Goldsboro Shop Crawl February 6th

Will you Attend the Goldsbor Shop Crawl?

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Corporate Member
Matt, I will have to wait until I see how I am recovering from the 21 Jan surgery before I can commit. Hopefully I will be well enough to host, even if I can't join the tour. I still have some red maple and pecan laying out back, so possibly someone will be able to hack out a couple bowl blanks while they are here. Thanks to you I have plenty of anchorseal!

It will probably be around the 1st of Feb before I can say yea or nay.



Corporate Member
Matthew, I am not avoiding you, it is just that I do not know how to plan right now. I went to Goldsboro Orthopedics, Dr. Rockwell last week and he says I have to have total hip replacement. I have an appointment nex thursday with Dra . John Chiavetta with Raleigh Orthopedics. Just dont know how to plan for the near future. After seeing your work and Ear's work, I would be embarrased to show mine. I am proud of my hard won equipment, just wished I knew how to use it. That is why I am a member of this site, to learn.
Will let you know as soon as i can


New User
I wouldn't miss the opportunity to crawl around in Earl's shop and get all nasty :gar-La;

Let me apologize for missing this announcement.

There is a requirement that anyone attending the Crawl be DQ Qualified. This is done to protect the shop hosts, as they are opening their shops and homes to people they don't personally know.

You can read the requirements to Crawl in this doc:

We made allowances for Guests. So if you have a friend on the site attending, they are more than welcome to sponsor you as a guest.

Also, we often hit people who should be DQ Qualified, but are missing some minor setting. Just contact me should you feel you meet the DQ but don't have it.


The MAN has a restriction - I have no interest on being DQ'ed... Sorry Earl and Matthew but I can't come :(


New User
... I am proud of my hard won equipment, just wished I knew how to use it. That is why I am a member of this site, to learn...
All the more reason to participate if you are able! You can get some great ideas and suggestions by participating in a shop crawl!


Senior User
I signed up earlier today, but now realized I probably can't as I'm committed that weekend already. Can someone take care of removing my stuff from the list?


New User
Jim Campbell
Sorry if I wasn't clear Jeff, you could attend as a Guest and not be DQ.


I wouldn't miss the opportunity to crawl around in Earl's shop and get all nasty :gar-La;

The MAN has a restriction - I have no interest on being DQ'ed... Sorry Earl and Matthew but I can't come :(


New User
Matthew, I am not avoiding you, it is just that I do not know how to plan right now. I went to Goldsboro Orthopedics, Dr. Rockwell last week and he says I have to have total hip replacement. I have an appointment nex thursday with Dra . John Chiavetta with Raleigh Orthopedics. Just dont know how to plan for the near future. After seeing your work and Ear's work, I would be embarrased to show mine. I am proud of my hard won equipment, just wished I knew how to use it. That is why I am a member of this site, to learn.
Will let you know as soon as i can

Hey James,

I totally understand. If there is a way that you can host your shop/come along we would greatly appreciate it, but of course if you are having hip replacement before the crawl, we understand. And we wish you a speedy recovery~!

Thanks for the update. :notworthy:


Corporate Member
Good news from the Doc. Cat Scan showed whatever it WAS (note the past tense) growing in my ear has since disappeared. No surgery at this time.

That means I can add my shop to the tour. Its on the route between Earl's and Matt's, so only a 0.2 mile detour off of Church of God Road into Jacob's Ridge Subdivision is needed.



Corporate Member
I'll vouch for Jeff Mills if Bigdog72 can't make it.

By the way, my shop probably won't take long. (How long does it take to say " Yep, you be working outta the garage"?):rolf:



New User
Good news from the Doc. Cat Scan showed whatever it WAS (note the past tense) growing in my ear has since disappeared. No surgery at this time.

That means I can add my shop to the tour. Its on the route between Earl's and Matt's, so only a 0.2 mile detour off of Church of God Road into Jacob's Ridge Subdivision is needed.


Wooo Hoooo, That is very Good News~! I'm glad there's nothing there and no surgery.

We would love to stop by your shop~! :banana: :banana: :eusa_danc :eusa_clap :icon_thum :eusa_clap :eusa_danc :banana: :banana:
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