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New User
It's good to have found this forum. I am a self taught woodworker with more bad habits than I care to admit. I really want to become a more accomplished woodworker and learn how to do things the right way. It wont be a strech to pretend I know nothing! My goal is to finally get square and level! And, I don't mean my meds and lifestyle! I look forward to learning here.



Corporate Member
Welcome. We are glad to have you here. Woodworker's web sites tend to have too much testosterone. Not you Cathy:lol:

Imagine Tim Allen and his quest for more power. "oo oo oo". Woodguy 1975 is our prime example:rolf:

Seriously, we really welcome you and hope you will be comfortable here and become a regular contibutor.


Clay Lowman
Corporate Member
Welcome to the site Barbara. What kind of woodwork do you like to do? If you're looking for instructions, I think you have come to the right place. Be sure to take Woodguy1975's offers for classes. He is a great teacher, and I believe that many here are willing to pass on their secrets.


New User
Welcome Barbara! Don't even think of trying to steal my title of "forum's worst woodworker"! I won't hear of it!
As Steve said, we've probably got a little too much of this (right click, save target as)...I'm sure Cathy can use all the moral support that she can get when trying to deal with us neanderthals!


New User
Well, in between browsing links and forums, I'm checking my mail. This site is great, however I will need time to get proficient in navigating this new cybor shop.

I enjoy making chest, cabinets, boxes and such. I have volunteered for Habitat and have a general knowledge of carpentry. Don't worry about the excessive testosterone. I grew up with it, worked with it and married it.

I love the smell of fresh cut wood. I have a small shop at home. I retired from lighting design a few years ago with the desire to do more woodworking. I can't spend as much time as I'd like in the shop for attending to family, visiting my lake house at Lake Norman and my husband dragging me all over the world. But, cold weather is coming and I'll be home more and geared up for spending time in the shop.

I'd love to take classes and attend seminars. I'd really love to find people like you guys to share my interest and finally understand what I'm talking about when I talk "shop". My family and circle of friends don't get it which isn't all bad considering when I feel like running away from home, I just step out the back door or now can log on. Thanks for all of your messages.

Steve D

Steve DeWeese
Welcome to the group. I'm sure you will find it helpful. I used to own a lighting sales agency so we have some common ground there. I'm sure the group can benfit from some of your expertise in shop lighting layouts in addition to your woodworking knowledge.


New User
Steve D and B4man - Lighting designers, I need to talk to you about my kitchen! Cabinet top uplighters is one of the things we are considering. Along with a supply for contempory lights - any recommendations?

Steve D

Steve DeWeese
David, I was more on the commercial & industrial side, I can help but B4man is probably your expert in this area if she did any restaurant or retail work.


New User
Excuse the ignorance, I'm not sure how to respond personally or if it's necessary. David, I'll be happy to offer suggestions on lighting your kitchen. I just need to know how to help without boring the rest of the group or breaking any forum rules. I don't do this professionally any more so any advice is yours for the taking.


Clay Lowman
Corporate Member
You can always send a private message by clicking on the username to the left of any post. Or you can reply directly to the forum, as some other people may find your insights useful. Regardless of how you decide to help, I'm sure you'll not get "yelled" at here.


New User
Welcome Barbara. I became a member less than 24 hrs. ago. Also, a "thank you." to all the responses I got from my question posted on the "Who we are" page. I'll respond to your questions and suggestions as time permits.


Welcome to the group Barbara! I know youi'll find lots of good folks and info here. I can relate to my family/friends not understanding my "working in the shop". Glad to have you on board!


Welcome Barbara -- We all look forward to info you may share on cabinet lighting and on your projects as colder weather sets in (great time of year for creating chips!).


New User
Welcome Barbara, I think you have found the right place. Apparently, there is a great deal of tolerance regarding skill levels or they would have already ousted me. :p

Please check out the gallery (and post your own pixs, too) and the member map (where you can add your own "bubble" and note other members near you).

Why Not?


New User
Welcome to our forum Barbara. This is a great group. We have lots of fun here and in person. :)

We'll get some classes going after the first of the year in my shop I promise.

I guess I have earned the Tim the Toolman status. I just can't stop...... I swear this the last one....... but I needed it........ it was a good price......

Don't miss out on taking advantage of our chat times. It is a great way to exchange lots of good info. :)



New User
Thank you all for your warm welcomes. I think I'm ready to ask my first question for anyone here. I have a Bosch CMS. I can't seem to get a true 45 on the bevel setting. What instrument do you recommend to set accurate angles. I use a square but it's still off.

I'm off to the dentist.Yikes, but will come back to get your suggestions. Thanks.


New User
The best tool is the wood itself. Cut two bevels and match them up so they form a board. If the two 45s match up with the reference edge along a straight edge you are good. The same can be done for checking 90 degrees.

Hope this helps.



New User
perfect answer john. Same goes for setting the mitre fence on the TS - "The five sided cut" method
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