GW Lathe - time for the next person

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Corporate Member
Well, it is time to get the GW Lathe to a new person:eusa_danc:eusa_danc

So as usual we need nominations. Please feel free to nominate yourself. In fact nominating yourself is probably the best way to increase your chances. Because it says that you are really interested.

As usual, the staff will privately make the final decision.

The question is how do we make that decision. There are no hard and fixed rules, it is probably a totally subjective decision. But here a few factors:

Has expressed strong interest.
How long a member.
Visitation frequency
Posting frequency.

So please make your nominations in this thread. It would nice if we could get the lathe moved to the next person before Christmas.


New User
Pete Davio
yes, it would, because I have some things I want to get turned in time for Christmas gifts. oh, guess I just nominated myself?:oops::oops::oops::lol:


New User

The person I nominate, unfortunately, does not meet all of your criteria. He is not currently a member of this site, although one day soon he will be. He has never made a post of his own. He shares my 5.48 visits per week frequency as he is always by my side when I surf woodworking forums online. However the one criteria he has exceeded is he shows a very strong interest in becoming a woodturner.

I nominate my 10 year old son Alex


Alex has been interested in woodturning since his first visit to Woodcraft over a year ago. He especially wants to turn pens for our troops as well as for family and friends. The photo above was taken at Woodworker's Supply this month during their Veterans’ Day weekend event. Alex was shaking in anticipation of being asked to step up to the lathe. You see up until now he has never had any hands-on turning experience. When the demonstrator told Alex he was too short to use this lathe, he didn't shrink away in defeat, he went and found a tool box to stand on and proclaimed "now I can reach"! What could the demonstrator say to that?

Alex helps me in our workshop on a daily basis and even has a space reserved for "our" lathe. Unfortunately a lathe won't be in the budget for another year or so. Alex understands we need other tools first and waits patiently. He reads every magazine article on woodturning he can find and watches Norm and David Marks in anticipation of a woodturning episode.

By the way, did I mention Alex's 11th birthday is December 26th?

Thank you for your consideration,
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New User
Dolan Brown
I know I don't get a vote but I 3rd it for Alex. Sounds like a true WW'er in a young body. :eusa_clap I am looking forward to teaching my Grandson about WW'ing but I have a few years (I hope) since he is only 19 months old.:-D


Corporate Member
I fourth the nomination for Alex! Let's see if we can set a record for the youngest woodworker with woodguy's disease. :lol:


Staff member
Corporate Member
I think nominations should be closed and Alex declared the winner.


New User
Wow, we're gonna be hard pressed to find a candidate more worthy than Alex. Plus he gets screwed by having a B-day right after X-mas :BangHead: I say we send him down the slippery slope :icon_thum:icon_thum:icon_thum



New User
Not only do I nominate Alex, but I say we take up a collection to buy him some turning tools for his birthday!:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap


New User
The nice thing about the GW lathe, is that it comes complete with everything need to start your slide down the slippery slope of woodturning. We need a collection to buy him everything once his spin on the GW lathe is up....there's no going back at that point, he'll be hooked.


New User
Dave Tenhoeve
I believe Alex has my vote as well. Nice to see another future ww'er in the making. Sounds and looks like he is well on his way.


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
I think we have a winner! Plus, the earlier one starts, the more time one has to acquire tools.

Jim M.

Corporate Member
Please let it be Alex - it's breaking my heart:crybaby2:

I owe this great hobby to Grandfather who started me at 8 yrs old carving and WWing. George your lucky to get that kind of time with your son, since these days it seems that family time is all but gone.
You're a heck of a Dad:icon_thum GB- Jim


New User
I'm for Alex as well, he seems the perfect candidate, of course, we have to have pics of him turning so we know it's not his dad that's doing the work!:lol::lol::lol:


New User
John Macmaster
without reading the rest of the submissions, may I nominate myself?
I have no lathe, I have turned a couple of bowls and have got the bug.
I have been going to a buddy's Office to use his. Yep you heard it right "Office". He has it set up in the back of his business. Guess he uses it as a Stress release.
I have no money to buyone, but I sure would like to have one.
I am a member, I guess lenght is some where around 1 1/2 years.
My visits per week currently is at 4.78, however it has been higher, but this is the season that I am making gifts for everyone. So time on the computer is not as often.
I do have grandchildren that are 10, 11 and 12 years old .
They are at my house and shop every weekend. We do chores together.
I have been teaching them shop safety as we explore the uses of the tools.
We have buildt quite a few projects together.
Once they saw the bowls that I made they jumped at it.
Unfortunately I am unable to take them to my buddy's office to use his.
So I really would like to have one here in my shop.
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