First Attempt - CA Finish on Pen - Help

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New User
Ok..... so i tried the CA glue finish on the pen. I followed these instructions:

-1800 RPM-
Sand with 240, 320, 400 Grit papers.
Wipe down with denatured alcohol (DNA)

-Slow lathe to 500 Rpm. ( or Slowest setting).-

Apply two coats medium CA with Costco Paper Shop towel.
Air dry only betweencoats (NO ACCELERATOR).

Apply Two Coats of Thick CA, as smoothly as possible.
Air dry betweencoats. (If you do need to use a light application of
ACC, I wait at least 1 minute after each CA application, and only
use the Aerosol from a distance. I don't have any issues with cloudiness
or bubbles this way. The pump ACC does not work for me)

-Speed lathe back up to 1800 RPM.-

Sand with 320 Grit(Sometimes 240 grit if I went crazy) to remove any ridges, swirls etc.

Sand with 400 grit.


MM through 12000.

Here is what I am running into. Does the Thick glue take forever to dry. I followed these instruction and am still waiting for the thick to dry, it has been 1 hour. Is this typical? Am I doing something wrong?




New User
Jim Campbell
Others will give you the real answer, but I have experienced the long dry time.

I CA glue finished some knitting needles. Took 48 hours to fully harden. I used SuperGlue gel, cause ISLAGIDATT.

As to why, and what you can do I leave that in the hands of the experts.


(It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time)


New User
Here is what I am running into. Does the Thick glue take forever to dry. I followed these instruction and am still waiting for the thick to dry, it has been 1 hour. Is this typical? Am I doing something wrong?



Could be old (expired) glue. Personally, I don't use the thick for much and don't see the need for it's use as a finish. The medium is sufficient, easier to spread, and dries very quickly. Give it a try.

When I have used thick, for installing tubes or fixing things around the shop, it can take a while to dry. In fact, one time I used so much that it was still wet a week later (and the glue was not expired!)


New User
If you use the BLO method with med glue the combination of BLO and friction the glue dries instantly.
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