Question for Big Mike

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New User
Phillip Fuentes
Mike, you've got pictures of a deep cherry bowl and a deep goncalo alves bowl. I'm a bit rusty, could you post a few pictures of the tools you're using to hollow with? Particularly, I'm interested in the grind on your bowl gouge, is it steeper for deep bowls? Also, what is your process for alcohol drying (assuming its not top secret, i'd understand if it is)? Thanks in advance.


Big Mike

New User
Phillip, the alcohol drying process was developed by Dave Smith, a woodturner from Washington state and he has directions posted on Wood Central. Here is the link:

As well as Dave's article here is another pictorial of the method that was on Saw Mill Creek recently:

As far as turning the inside of deep bowls, I use a typical swept back bowl Ellsworth/Irish type grind to do 90% of the hollowing, just turn the tool rest so that it is inserted into the bowl. I do use a 5/8" bowl gouge for the deeper bowls as you will necessarily have more tool overhanging the rest. I do have a flatter grind/more steep bevel that I use for smoothing the wrinkles and little grooves that remain from poor tool control. And shame of shame, I am not above using a 1 1/2" X 3/8" thick round nose bowl scraper to smooth the interior if need be. Whatever works... I have also been known to use a Sorby multi-tip with a carbide scraper for fast removal of deeper objects followed by the bowl gouge and scraper.

I will try to get some pictures taken of the grinds and put them in my photos. I will let you know when I get it done.

Big Mike

New User
Phillip, the other thing that I do is bring the bowl into the house after I have let it sit for a month or so and put it in the water heater closet or some other warm spot to help the drying process....

I also know of one guy who puts his in the freezer after a month of drying and lets the freezer evaporate some more moisture. Freeze drying does work on bowl roughs it is just a little slower.

Back to the shop.....


New User
Phillip Fuentes
mike, thanks for the info. i also use a 3/8" x 1 1/2" round nose scraper, especially on the harder, denser woods. thanks for the alcohol info, i'll give it a try soon. i think maybe i've let the wings get a little short, i'll grind longer wings and see about it. of course, the only way to do a side by side comparison is to buy another gouge...maybe i'll try that as well.

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