OK, I would like opinions and advice. I am planning to work on a jewelry box over the long weekend. In my penny-wise , pound foolish normal mode of operations, I am not using a plan, just a picture.
This is the box style that I am shooting for. The thickness of the sides...3/4", 5/8" or 1/2". I don't want to make it to heavy and thick looking, but I also want it to have some substance and enough glue surface for joinery. BTW, I really wished that I could have gotten that quilted Cherry board for this piece, regular old Cherry seems so plain...but it was half the cost.
Any thoughts on the thickness, pros/cons, or general rules?????
This is the box style that I am shooting for. The thickness of the sides...3/4", 5/8" or 1/2". I don't want to make it to heavy and thick looking, but I also want it to have some substance and enough glue surface for joinery. BTW, I really wished that I could have gotten that quilted Cherry board for this piece, regular old Cherry seems so plain...but it was half the cost.
Any thoughts on the thickness, pros/cons, or general rules?????