Reported Post by SteveColes

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SteveColes has reported a post.

Come on guys he is attacking lawyers and the US legal system. you don't consider that to be political and controversial? Why is this same guy allowed to do this over and over again
Post: More on Osorio Tablesaw Lawsuit....
Forum: General Woodworking
Assigned Moderators: McRabbet, MikeH

Posted by: Dragon
Original Content:
And yet, the jury decided Ryobi was at fault? Really?

I try to be open minded, but I am having a real, real hard time figuring any reasonable perspective that could get the members of a jury to come up with this verdict:no: It boggles my simple mind.

The only conclusion that I come up with is that the jury thinks companies will need to have any and all safety options installed - and installed where they cannot be removed or bypassed.

Maybe some other detail will come out that will help make sense of it all...

I'm trying to not make this come across as political in any way.:thumbs_up Next time you're in a grocery store or Wal Mart, look around you. Those are the folks who will be potential jury candidates if you ever find yourself being sued or under indictment. People today are simply not the same folks I grew up around in the 50' and 60's. They rely on someone else to tell them what to think and when to act and how to go about it all.:dontknow: Spill hot coffee in your lap? Win the legal lottery. Run with your new jogging shoes on and fail to tie the laces first? Win the legal lottery. (Don't laugh, it happened in California.) Mash your finger with that new Stanley hammer? Win the legal lottery. Etc. ad nauseum. Hopefully, this whole thing will get thrown out in appeal but ya never know.

Dennis has a very valid point and to quote another famous individual; Shakespear said it all when speaking of lawyers. You can look that one up on your own.:crossedlips:


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
OK, I just checked the thread, and there is more lawyer bashing/ jury bashing going on. I wonder how one of our users who has recently done jury service feels about reading this.

I put three posts in moderation. Before I delete them, I'd like someone else to review them and determine whether they truly are in violation of site policy. The reason I want a second pair of eyes is because it means Dragon violated his probation.



New User
Jim Campbell
I've closed the thread. Consider it a request from the Original Poster.

I'd say Dragon crossed the line. This is the most commonly found quote by Shakespeare regarding lawyers. Totally unacceptable even when its implied.

The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.

Again, I'm sorry, in hind sight I should not have started this thread. I had higher hopes than were met by several members.


Ray Martin

New User
I hate to weigh in on this... maybe I wouldn't have but for Bas' question... I think Dragon is a bit over the line. I do not believe this is an attack on lawyers or the system. I think it is more of a rant against some silly outcomes from some trials that should not have occurred. There is, however, some bias demonstrated. There have been a couple of comments made about the people who shop at Walmart. There is also an intimation that smart people don't do jury duty and juries are made up of dumb people. Further, what is the difference between people we knew in the 50s and 60s versus the people we know today? I don't know what his intent is, but this can be construed as anti-immigration bias.

Ray Martin

New User
I've closed the thread. Consider it a request from the Original Poster.

I'd say Dragon crossed the line. This is the most commonly found quote by Shakespeare regarding lawyers. Totally unacceptable even when its implied.

Again, I'm sorry, in hind sight I should not have started this thread. I had higher hopes than were met by several members.



I respectfully disagree. You did NOT do wrong by posting a reasonable sentiment on a safety topic. Yours was a reasonable post and you can expect good discussion by reasonable people which is 99.x % of our membership. You don't avoid the topic on the off chance that someone may decide to go astray... or take the topic astray. (Analogy: Should we stop making knives because someone might use one to hurt another person?)

Bottom line, I think your original post was fine.


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Per Tracy's request, I have put the entire thread in moderation, so it is removed from public view. He will decide on the next steps.

Thanks everyone!


Staff member
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Got a PM from Dragon a while ago. He says he won't be making any posts for awhile, so whatever we decide it obviously won't matter to him. He's wanting to find another site to frequent more to his liking and inclinations. He says he's somewhat confused by the seemingly inconsistent administration of moderation policy and its contradiction to DaveO's signature line from Dr. Seuss:
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
--Dr. Seuss
I think he believes the same way.
I wished him well.


New User
I doubt he'll be gone for that long... he's a troll and they get a charge out of ruining good sites like ours. If by some lucky chance he is gone for good, then better for us.


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He also said he used to be a moderator on another site. Can't imagine that.....
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