Planning the dining table top

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New User
I am at the planning stage for the dining table top and considering my options for creating the two 70" x 20" leaves.

Am I being optimistic in hoping to find 16/4 x 12" curly/quilted, KD Maple??

The top is 35mm thick (1 1/2") it would have been nice to re-saw the 16/4 to get the width. If not I'll just make each leaf out of consecutive planks of 8/4 and hope the match is ok.

Travis (Porter) we will need:

Large resaw capacity
12" + jointer capacity
20" + planer capacity
20" + sander capacity

If you don't have these things could you plese go and buy them over the next couple of months:rotflm:

Oh and some shop space so that I can leave the parts in YOUR clamps over night:rotflm:


New User
Thanks guys, some interesting sites. Looks like $18/bd foot is a reasonable figure for 6/4. 16/4 is probably out of the question. I need about 33 bf so $600, not too bad. $1,400 for the glass and about $300 for the rest. $2,300 for materials, I can live with that. I'll check out the hardwood store in Gibsonville first as I have always had good luck there and then try these others.
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