2010 NCWW Elections - Please Read.

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Scott Smith

It's that time of the year again! Yup, I'm referring to our annual election for NCWW members to serve on the Board of Directors of North Carolina Woodworker, Inc, our governing corporation.

This year, six of our current seven Board Members are running for re-election, and we also have three very well qualified NCWW members who have also volunteered to serve by running for election.

There have been other threads posted recently about the changes that we've made in the voting”



The purpose of this post is to introduce the candidates to everybody, and to let you know that we will soon have a voting thread posted where you can vote for the candidates of your choice. Voting will close at midnight, EST on May 21st, 2010, which is the day before of our annual Picnic.

I encourage everybody to vote. We have a great community here at NCWW, and your contributions are important with respect to helping us manage the organization. Additionally, by voting you are helping the BoD understand that you truly value being a member of NCWW by taking the time to participate in the election and operations process.

Without further ado, here are your candidates for the 2010 Board of Directors of North Carolina Woodworker, Inc. They are listed in alphabetical order by last name.


Scott Smith (scsmith42)
Secretary, North Carolina Woodworker, Inc.

2010 election, North Carolina Woodworker, Inc.

Board of Directors (BoD) candidate biographies

Steve Coles (Founder)

I'm Steve Coles and I am the founder of ncwoodworker.net, which was done in July 2005. For the first 3 years I oversaw the operation of the site and funded it. During it's 4th year. I created North Carolina Woodworker, Inc for woodworking educational purposes and made the website one of its activities. I also changed the primary funding from myself, to making the corporation and website self sufficient through the use of advertising, fund raisers, and other related activities.

During, this same period, I rewrote the bylaws so that instead of there being only one voting member; there were something around 135 voting members. I chose not to run in that first election and a BoD elected by the voting members have been running it during its 5th year of operation.

I have chosen to run because I have missed being involved and I feel that I have something unique to give.


Trent Mason

When I joined NCWW, a little over two years ago, I was amazed that such a community existed. A regionally-based, online community of folks from different backgrounds, ability levels, ages, genders, beliefs, etc. that put their differences aside and enjoyed the fellowship in a common love of woodworking. I would like to thank
Steve Coles, DaveO, the current BoD, the site programmers, moderators, and each member who contributes to this site. You all do an incredible job and your time and effort truly makes this place one of a kind.

As for me, my list of official contributions to the site is short. I can't tell you how excited I was when Jim approached me with a new idea for welcoming new members. Shortly after, we started the New Member chat on Thursday evenings with hopes that through more interaction and familiarity, they would feel welcomed and become more active on the site. In addition to that, I always try to help any member in any way that I can, both on and off the site, and I can't thank those enough who have done the same for me. To me, that is what this community is all about.

While I have been honored by promotion into leadership in many of my endeavors, I would be especially honored and humbled to serve this great community on the Board of Directors. Thank you very much for your consideration.

Trent Mason


Scott Miller (current Board Member)

Some of you know me as ScottM and others as just Scott. I am not a master craftsman but I enjoy woodworking. Before joining North Carolina Woodworker in the summer of 2007 my wood working was limited to scroll saw work and basic DIY stuff. With the help of many of you I caught WGD and the North Carolina Woodworker fever. Since last July I have been on the North Carolina Woodworker Board of Directors serving as both the Events Chairman and a Senior Moderator. As the Events Chairman I organized the 2010 calendar contest, the North Carolina Woodworker booth at the Fall Klingspor’s Extravaganza and the NC Turners Symposium. Currently I am directing the Spring North Carolina Woodworker Picnic


Stuart Nelson (Tar Heel) (current Board Member)

My name is Stuart but am also known on North Carolina Woodworker as Tar Heel. During my tenure on the BoD this year, I have served as Devel0pment Director the duties of which are:

Development Director:

The Development Director will be responsible for all activities involving fund raising, community outreach, charitable activities and liaison, and publicity.

Most of my efforts this year have been in the area of running the three donation drives we've had. Of course I attended board meetings, participated in telephone conference calls, and did the other things associated with being a member of the board of directors. We started with the idea of continuing to have a drive each quarter as was done in the past. We had a 30 day drive in July and another 30 day drive in October. Those two drives raised a total of approximately $2,800. The board of directors decided to have only two drives a year. The first one in 2010 ran from February 1-March 15 and raised a total of $2,800. We believe that raising approximately $5,600 since July, shows that there are many members who appreciate what we have here and are willing to financially support it. We know that the past year, or so, has not been the best, from an economic point of view, and we really appreciate the support of our generous members. The next 45 day drive will be in the Fall of 2010.

I would like to have an opportunity to serve on the board of directors for another year. In the event that I am re-elected, and again named as Development Director, I intend to continue to devote my efforts to the donation drives, but also intend to spend more time in the other areas as described in the above description of the position such as community outreach and publicity.

I would appreciate your vote.


Tracy Pardue (TracyP) (current Board Member)

I am Tracy Pardue,

I joined North Carolina Woodworker in February of 2008. I soon was scheduled for surgery and volunteered for the moderator position to give me something to do with my time while recovering. That started my tenure on the staff. I moved quickly up through the ranks Senior Moderator with DaveO. I have held that staff position ever since. I decided to run for the BoD last year and was elected. At our first BoD meeting it was determined that I would assume the role as Vice President of Internet Operations aka
Webmaster. I assumed that role from DaveO who did a great job.

During this transition our founder
Steve Coles decided he needed to back away from the day to day operations for a while and all of the software control was turned over to me as Webmaster. My duties this year have included keeping our many licenses current as well as controlling the various email accounts that are associated with our site, and keeping the software up to date with the assistance of the technical guys. I was also charged with being the "Go To" man for the staff. I took any staff related issues before the board for decisions. I also brought a good bit of the new Ads you see on the right side of the page to the technical staff for placement. We have a highly skilled technical staff that have been great to work with during this year.

I worked hand and hand with the treasure to insure that our site bills stayed current by forwarding the web hosting bills etc. to him for payment. I also worked closely with the President in site and policy related matters. I worked closely with the Vice president in getting some new advertisers on board.

I also maintained my role of Senior Moderator with ScottM during this year. Performed many administrative duties and participated in all BoD meetings, teleconferences, etc.

I have enjoyed this year on the board and have decided to renew my dedication to the board for the following term if elected. I decided to run again due to a lot of reasons, but the largest reason is that I would like to be a functional part of the continued success of this wonderful online community and corporation.

With your support I hope to help grow North Carolina Woodworker and keep it the best woodworking site on the web.

Thank You


Rob Payne (McRabbet) (current Board Member)

I am seeking re-election to the Board of Directors and am pleased that we have done well as a team over the last 10 months. As Executive Vice President, I've attended all Board meetings and have managed the last two Raffles, obtaining high visibility prizes from vendors of national and regional importance. Each Raffle has taken about three months to plan, solicit and execute and have been the largest single source of funds for the Corporation. In addition, I co-chaired the two-day Klingspor Extravaganza in Hickory last fall with Scott Miller and represented North Carolina Woodworker, Inc. at the Greensboro Wood Turners Symposium for three days in mid-October. I have been a faithful contributor to the NC Woodworker almost daily since joining in November 2005.

I am President and co-founder of the Western NC Woodworkers Association which has grown from about ten members when we started in May 2006 to more than fifty today. I am co-chairing a full house renovation for one of our members here (and a co-founder of WNCWA), Ozzie-x who is fighting a serious illness -- between WNCWA members and members here, we raised over $3,300 toward that project and I have some 35 hours of sweat equity in it as well. Work was completed on Saturday, April 24th as Randy and his wife Amy returned from a three-week trip to visit family.

And on those rare occasions when I have a few hours, I've even been making some sawdust! I am currently finishing two cabinets as a commission for a small company in the area and I enjoy playing a competitive round of golf with friends.


Travis Porter (current Board Member)

Hi, my name is Travis Porter and I have been a member of North Carolina Woodworker since December of 2005. I am an active member of the forum, and have served in the capacity of Treasurer for the past year. Although professionally, I am not in Finance or Accounting, I do work with computers and numbers heavily, so it does help. As Treasurer, I keep up with North Carolina Woodworker's finances, and pay the bills. I track all of the donations; advertising revenues and payment schedules; pay the bills, and am the holder of the lottery ticket numbers.

Outside of North Carolina Woodworker I am married, have 2 daughters, and am a HEAVY tool junkie. I love tools, and I am always on the look out for the next upgrade. Specifically for woodworking, I pretty much stick with flat work as I have never gotten the turning bug. Chairs are the one thing I am not yet comfortable with, and it is something I want to tackle.


Doug Robinson (current Board Member)

I am Doug Robinson. This past year I served as the President of North Carolina Woodworker, Inc. It has been a challenging year being as it was the first year as a fully functioning BoD. Unlike the other BoD members, my responsibilities are spread all over the place. I chaired the meetings of the BoD. I have been working hard on completing our 501(c)(3), non-profit status.

Together the BoD has worked on numerous revisions to the by-laws. Some for the purpose of achieving non-profit status, and other changes, such as staggered terms and voting changes, to benefit the long-term health on North Carolina Woodworker, Inc.

Prior to the present BoD I served on the BoD the preceding year and served as Secretary. I originated and ran the first three North Carolina Woodworker shop crawls that year. I helped write the by-laws.

The reason I am running for another term is to complete my goal of obtaining non-profit status. With such status many members’ donations will be matched by their employers and the donations themselves will be tax deductible.

This past year the BoD was very much aware of the challenge we faced in retaining what the majority of the members like about North Carolina Woodworker, Inc. and make it a special place, and converting it into an organization run by a true BoD.

Feel free to ask questions.



Joe Scharle

While I possess no special qualifications for service on the board, I feel that after benefiting from 5 years of membership in this organization, I should offer to give back. Being retired I have more free time to devote to those responsibilities than were I still working. I've enjoyed woodworking all my life and would be honored, to help the membership in any way.

My professional background includes: B.S.E.E., USAF in the Far East, and 30 years of large main-frame computer support. Owing to the fact that I was on-call support, I had the free time to indulge in home building and real estate sales at the same time.

I still keep my broker and General Contractor licenses active. My wife of 30 years is a retired physician.


New User
Is there a ballot somewhere or did I just overlook it as usual? :icon_scra:dontknow::help:

Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
Is there a ballot somewhere or did I just overlook it as usual? :icon_scra:dontknow::help:

In Scott's post he states: "The purpose of this post is to introduce the candidates to everybody, and to let you know that we will soon have a voting thread posted where you can vote for the candidates of your choice. Voting will close at midnight, EST on May 21st, 2010, which is the day before of our annual Picnic."

So there will be another thread and there will be a ballot there. Stay tuned.


Corporate Member
As Member #2 (After #1 - Steve Coles) and having served on the first BoD, I would like to make a couple of comments. I have nothing but high regards for all members of the current BoD but I feel that any organization needs a routine infusion of new blood. This is why I nominated a group of people for this years election (some old, some new, and some female). Only one of my "new" nominees stepped up and accepted the nomination. But that does not change my thoughts on new blood.

I would urge all 'Corporate Members' to consider this when voting. The current BoD has already made changes to address my other concern (and no, it wasn't my push that caused this) which was to have staggered terms of the BoD members so that there is always a carry-over of ideas and experience on the BoD.

Regardless of these comments, vote for who you feel is best for the BoD and lets give our full support to those elected so we can keep this the 'Best WW Site On The Web'.


Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member

I agree with you that a regular infusion of new people and new ideas is important. That is why my term on the BoD will either end this June or next June. I will NOT be running again next year if I am re-elected this year. I will only accept a one year term.

Some very good people were willing to consider running, but decided that, at least as far as this coming year goes, it was not the right time for them. They may consider it in the future.

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