Hey All,
I finally got a Stanley 45, but it didn't come with any blades.
Anyone have a recommendation on where to find some blades other than eBay?
Also need a set of long rods too.
Having decided to build each Grandchild a Blanket/Hope chest. I spent months going to all the local Borg's , and seperating out the best SYP I could find, I built this protoype. The final chests well be built from Long Leaf Pine that I logged locally.
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After scraping...
Miller's Patent Plane with the removal filletster bottom, otherwise known as the Stanley #41, was made from 1871 to 1897. The gun metal version was designated the #42. The filletster bottom was cast iron in both the #41 and #42. This particular example is a Type 4, made between 1874 and 1882.
Snagged my First Sweetheart Era Handplane, the Stanley #4C (Corrugated bottom) with Sweetheart Era Blade! EBAY Special! Cost: $15 plus 5 ship Total $20.00
After seeing the Threads posted by Woodwrangler (Jeremy),Ken Massingale, and McRabbet (Rob)
I just couldn't help but posting this.
Just an update to my MWTCA Small Haul Gloat:
I started on the Stanley BP because it needed the least amount of work. I still want to strip the lever cap completely and repaint, but I've got a "placeholder" paint job until this part can be accomplished, but here is what it looked like before...