Reported Post by Gotcha6

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This thread is starting to get political IMO. I've got a dog in this fight living in Monroe with the bypass going in my back yard (again after I 485 did it in Mint Hill), but I'll stay out of it.
Post: "Construction trees"
Forum: Off Topic
Assigned Moderators: ScottM, TracyP

Posted by: Tarhead
Original Content:
First, local towns / cities should be responsible for the problems they created. Before approving the development, make sure the infa structure is in place. This not only means sewer and water, but roads. In the past, cities and towns have considered the roads to be a state problem, even thought the problem was of their own making. Look at how many towns the DOT put in a bypass, and the local government filled it up with retail to increase the tax base. Asheboro is a prime example. As for interstate quality roads being built is less populated parts of the state, these folks also pay highway taxes. They are sick and tired of subsidising the metro areas. The Charlotte area got light rail by asking the legislator to enact a local sales tax. Do the same for the roads that are needed.

Big difference between state roads and Interstates . It gets very complicated when Interstates are involved, different cities and counties and growth is across state lines feeding into Charlotte. I don't see SC paying for a road project in Pineville or Charlotte paying for a project in Concord and Kannapolis. We can't even get lightbulbs changed in the streetlights on I-85 by NCDOT at the I-77 junction.

There are a slightly over a million folks paying taxes and paying very high prices for gas in the Charlotte metro area. I think we contribute more than our share for roads and have gotten a poor return. The people in less populated areas don't need to be concerned about being ripped off by the rich people in Charlotte!


New User
Dennis, your last comment regarding what the post was about was a good warning. I don't think the thread has any value anyway. I would not close it until your warning has been ignored only because of heavy handedness. I might consider deleting the post that had nothing to do with " trees" tho:dontknow:
Whatever decision you make I will support.

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