I scratched the itch

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Phil Ashley
Corporate Member
So the itch to make something got to me today! Our son will be (2) in July and he's in need of a discipline plan. While corporal punishment isnt banned in our house we are going to include "time out" as it seems to work for him so far.

He needs a steady place for this to occur so rather than buy something I figured I'd put some scrap to good use:


Of course I couldn't stand to not get Josh involved in the construction:



I finally succeeded at using my miller dowel jig for a project the plugs turned out ok. We'll save finishing the stool for another day:


Josh tried it out inside, it's a little high right now, but he's growing like a weed so maybe it'll last a couple years. By then we won't need it right? I can dream right?


Just thought I'd share so yall know I don't just collect tools, but occassionally make some sawdust.


New User
Great use of scrap. I sure hope that it doesn't get a lot of use. But as a father of a 3 yr. old, I know it will. I hope his first trial seating was voluntary :lol: :lol: Ever thought about including a seatbelt, it could come in handy. My daughter has gone up to 15 minutes because she just couldn't stay in one place for the initial required 3 minutes..yep, I'm a mean Daddy :lol: :lol:



New User
Great Seat, and great idea. Once I get a lathe, I will have my son turn his own switch... J/K....

I have had my 4 yr old out helping me with my projects, with his own tools. It good to see that you are passing it on.


Corporate Member
When he outgrows the bench, and if timeout is losing its effectiveness, you coud always build stocks!


New User
Phil, that's cruel, making your own son assist in the creation of his torture seat!:rolf:

Nice job, and, like others, I hope it isn't brought to use often!


Phil Ashley
Corporate Member
well it's not supposed to be a torture seat of course he may think it is at times.

his trial run last night wasn't punishment though he pushed the envelope for it a few times.

i've consider making one with straps, but honestly wouldn't that defeat the purpose of teaching them self control???

though a spare with straps wouldn't be bad to help him when mom & dad have trouble with their self control.


New User
Easy! He's a cherub . . . couldn't possibly need discipline :lol:
He made me smile :mrgreen:



Phil Ashley
Corporate Member
thanks roger. he is a great kid. just hitting the terrible 2 phase. but he is a lot of fun that's for sure.
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