Couple of warm bodies needed this Sunday in Apex

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Hi all,

I have scored a large I beam in Apex and need a couple of people to help move it. Really Scott will have his skid steer there for all the heavy work, but a couple of people on ropes to help guide it would be great. Scott thinks about 2 hours should cover it. maybe a bit less for you all as I can help him clean up after. It is this Sunday the 18th at 8:00 am in Apex. Let me know if you can help. I will PM you the address.

Here is the thread on the beam:"

Thanks in advance for your help.


New User
Scott Smith
Tom, we just finished loading the skid steer on the trailer for Sunday. I'll load up the rest of the tools Sunday morning (so they don't get rained on tonight).

Based upon the measurements, it looks like it will fit into his garage with 1-1/2" of headroom going through the door....

Fellow NCWW members: It sure would be nice to have about 3 more bodies to help guide the beam down! The skid steer will do the heavy lifting; just need some strong hands for guidance.

The site is in far east Apex, near Holly Springs and Fuquay.


While I have not met Scott Smith.... Yet.... he seems like Marvel should model a super hero after him..... just from my time on the forum.... what can he not do would be the question


I have one person signed up and my Dad on standby if needed.

Yup, superhero works for me LOL!

Phil S

Phil Soper
Staff member
Corporate Member
Tom, I can be there at 8:00 and can work until 10 or so. Where do I need to go?


Corporate Member
That's a 2 hour drive for me but if you don't get any other offers, let me know. I would do it for all the woodworking equipment advice you provided at Woodcraft while draining my wallet.:rotflm:


That's a 2 hour drive for me but if you don't get any other offers, let me know. I would do it for all the woodworking equipment advice you provided at Woodcraft while draining my wallet.:rotflm:

Randy, I plead the fifth on any wallet draining!:embaresse

I think we have enough people, thanks for the offer.


New User
Scott Smith
While I have not met Scott Smith.... Yet.... he seems like Marvel should model a super hero after him..... just from my time on the forum.... what can he not do would be the question

:gar-La; Thanks Tat. I had some great mentors in my younger years back in Texas. The word "can't" was not in their vocabulary :eusa_danc

Jim Roche

Hey Guys,
I'm not too far from Apex if you need another set of hands or is someone can't make it last minute. I won't be on the computer much on Saturday but you are more than welcome to call me and I can be there, 919-637-7835.



Senior User
Well, I didn't hear about any accidents in Apex this morning, so how about some pictures ?:wink_smil

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