My intent was to make this look like a little water goblet. The choke cherry is the scrap piece left over from the ice cream scoop. I glued the walnut piece on with 2-part 5 minute epoxy. Everything was going fine, until I decided to drill it out (on lathe) with a forsner bit. When I backed out the drill after completing my depth, the walnut separated perfectly at the glue line. The only thing I can think of is that the glue heated up and loosened. I was able to polish off the glue remnants, put on some titebond III, and then sand again (off by a micro-millimeter on roundness). Height is 3", top rim diameter 1 3/4". If you want to try this, I would suggest very slow and in stages the drilling so the epoxy does not soften from the heat of the drilling process. Sanded to 2000 grit, then 2 layers of minwax tung oil finish on the lathe. (two views, showing both sides, and with Toothpicks)
Dave Peterson
Dave Peterson