A dust collection question

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New User
For those of you using a dust collector such as HF, Grizzly, etc --I have made a garbage can pre-separator or cyclone (AKA Thein design) and I wonder what purpose the HF lower clear plastic bag now serves? Any reason I can't dispose of this, block off the bottom and set the separator in it's place to reduce the floor space I'm giving up? This may have been dicussed before but if so, I missed it.:dontknow: Thanks,



I have a Delta DC which is similar in design and I use a trash can seperator. I would think you would still need the bag for the fines which do not fall out when going through the seperator. Usually when the dust cake in the upper cloth bag builds up enough it falls into the plastic bag and I find it a a good practice to whack the cloth bag now and then with a flat stick to help stuff fall. :wsmile:


New User
Bruce Swanson
I added a 6x8 room to the side of my shop for the DC. Now all I gotta do is find the time to hook up the system. I used Sacrete for the floor and galvanized on the roof.:saw:


New User
I removed the blower/motor assembly and mounted it to the wall high enough to be out of the way. Then placed the trashcan where the motor and blower was mounted on the same platform. Raised the whole assembly approx 18" off the floor to allow storage beneath. All of it takes the same foot print as before the trash can was added.

I just need to be sure to watch the trash can so it don't fill up too high. Glenn gave you good solid information as to the lower bag and the upper bag as well.


New User
Thanks Dude:
I may do something like that. If I'm not mistaken, the lower bag height could be reduced in height with the use of the separator??


New User
The lower bag will still fill up pretty fast, even using the seperator. I think you'll regret it if you reduce the capacity of the lower bag.


New User
If you did eliminate the bag I'd recommend running a line outside the shop from the exhaust. It's mostly the fine dust that will make it thru the cyclone and those are the worst to breath in. I have a setup with an HF DC in front of the cylcone and a small Delta DC "behind" the cyclone and the only time I get anything "real" into the Delta is when I'm cleaning the floor and sucking a lot of debris at once or the cyclone fills up. Which that second scenario would be really messy if you didn't have some kind of bag or run the exhaust outside.


New User
thought id throw this in, I replaced the metal belt/clamp that holds the bag to the bottom of the collector with bungee cords. That thing gave me so much grief.
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