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Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
So 8-Ball started a shop thread. After 30 days the thread automatically closed. He checks in and is annoyed. He is told that the software automatically closes threads after 30 days of inactivity. He thinks the policy is ridiculous. http://www.ncwoodworker.net/forums/showthread.php?t=36734

He asks to have his account deleted and all his pics, etc.

Canuck reopens the thread.

It appears he has replaced his posts in the thread with"vvvvvvv".

The policy has not caused problems before now. I suggest we follow his request and delete him. However, if a mod or admin (it should be only one person) wants to try to reason with him, go ahead.



Corporate Member
I've sent a PM asking for an explaination on the v's. He is putting them in other posts he's made on the site also.


Corporate Member
I say delete him and move on. He's editing EVERY post he's made with v's now. We don't need someone like this on the site. He will only become more of a problem if he gets upset over something like this.

Mt. Gomer

New User
I say delete him and move on. He's editing EVERY post he's made with v's now. We don't need someone like this on the site. He will only become more of a problem if he gets upset over something like this.

Yep, totally agree. I don't understand this one at all...



Corporate Member
I say delete him and move on. He's editing EVERY post he's made with v's now. We don't need someone like this on the site. He will only become more of a problem if he gets upset over something like this.

+2 Seriously too hard headed!


Corporate Member
I've sent 2 PM's to him. The first from me:

Can I ask why you are putting V's in all your previous posts on the site? Nobody has done anything malicious to your workshop thread.


His response:

I don't like someone taking control of my content... I put the information up on this forum to share with others. I should be able to add to it as I see fit as long as the content does not deviate from forum parameters.

This just seems like a control issue to me and I don't like it.

I'd rather find a place that thinks enough of its members that it treats them like rational adults capable of regulating their own information...

No offense to anyone here... all the members that I've spoken with are great. This is just the most ridiculous policy that I can think of.

I run a vbulletin forum (motorcycle content) and I know how the software works and the owner of this forum has decided to be a bit to dictatorial for my taste.

Should you change your policies, I'd like to make another go of it.

Please contact me at


My second pm to him:

This site has been up and running for a long time and there are many of us that work hard (FOR FREE) to maintain a site this is fun, informative and a place where can communicate with our friends. We do NOT do things intentionally to make people mad or angry. I find it hard to beleive that you can get so bent over a thread automatically being closed for inactivity when all you had to do was contact a moderator and we would have gladly reopened it for you. I myself had to do this many times before I became a moderator.

I am sorry you're upset, but to go back through all your threads and completely negate any input and credibility you've had on the site by replacing your posts with v's is uncalled for.

Good day sir.


and his response:


You miss the point. Why should I have to ask?


Should we go ahead and delete him? Like I said in the pm to him he's negated any input he had on the site. His threads and posts are worthless.

Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
Tracy and I have just spoken about this situation. We are going to abide by his wishes and delete his membership.

Simple as that.



Administrator , Forum Moderator
Sorry work got in the way. I have deleted him. A first for NCWW.:gar-Cr

Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
It probably wouldn't hurt to delete his thread in the Help Desk Forum too. No reason to keep letting folks lay into a guy who isn't even a member here anymore. Especially if it is visible to anyone who visits the site.


New User
Wow, I'm gone for a few hours and miss all the excitement. It's hard to imagine someone getting so upset about this. :dontknow:


I agree with all actions you folks have taken, excluding deleting the Help desk thread.
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Corporate Member
I just don't understand:dontknow::dontknow:?????

One tries to help a guy out and bam, goes non-linear on me. I was really at a loss as to the next steps.:icon_scra

I agree with the action taken in hopes that he is now satisfied.:icon_thum


(Thanks for the VMail message, Doug!)


Staff member
Corporate Member
With all that's going on in this world, it's probably not unusual for someone to find just that last thing to put them over the edge. Sorry to lose a member, but I think we run a site here with reasonable rules applicable to everyone. If he doesn't want to be here, I say, "Don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya." Should he decide to come back, I'd have to say he needs a 3 month cooling off period, an apology to the staff, and some probation time. It's often that you don't know what you've got until you begin to miss it.


Administrator , Forum Moderator
I considered deleting all posts by him; but I have concerns that it would leave more of a void than he has already created. My suggestion is that someone go into his posts and replace the v's with something like: Post deleted by original poster. Do we have a volunteer???


Staff member
Corporate Member
I considered deleting all posts by him; but I have concerns that it would leave more of a void than he has already created. My suggestion is that someone go into his posts and replace the v's with something like: Post deleted by original poster. Do we have a volunteer???
I'm on it for awhile.
I don't think this is something we need to elaborate on to the general membership. I can't speak for the Admins here, but don't we need to just say he dropped his membership if asked and leave it at that?
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