26 years of dust


I am currently without a tablesaw while I await arrival of a new one. The absence of my old saw and its accessories gives me a chance to do some serious house cleaning, UGH !
Once I got started, I can’t stop. I moved everything else to give me open access to 2 sides of the shop. I thought I was pretty good about keeping my shop clean, but boy can that dust find a crevasse.
I vacuumed the walls, washed down with 409, then clean water. These walls have all my cabinets, so top to bottom will get 2 coats of the oil infused furniture and cabinet paint, Bright White Semi Gloss. Should really brighten up the shop.
Next, all the floors are concrete and will get a thorough wet mopping. Then the equipment is moved to the other side and I start over. My intention is to touch everything in my shop that is exposed to dust and clean it, and service my machines.
My point is, I have been using this shop for 26 years. It feels incredible to do that cleaning that we all say we “will get around to someday”.
Can’t wait to get my new saw and start all over again.


Corporate Member
Awesome glad you are getting it cleaned ? yeah the dust goes everywhere. Btw, what saw did you end up getting ?

Also, if you clean the concrete up might be a good idea to seal the concrete. We use Euclid Everclear 350. The big advantage using a sealer on concrete is it makes the floor clean way easier.


I now have finished cleaning, painting, servicing, throwing out, organizing and in general, overhauling my shop with a new Sawstop. New laminate covered outfeed table, improved dust collection, new wash sink, mini split and air filter servicing, chisels sharpened, et al.
OMG does this feel good. But, it is too clean to use now. I don’t want to mess it up again.
And a friend came by to see everything. I was looking for something to show him, and I could not find it to save my soul. I know I still have it. It is in a logical place. I am now just TOO organized.

Warped Woodwerks

Senior User
I really like my SS, but the fence leaves something to be desired.

How are you liking the Incra over the SS fence?
I'm back and forth on purchasing it. The arm that sticks out has me on hold. Love the idea of accurate and repeatable, but...

Recently, Harvey Woodworking has introduced their new table saw fence, but for the price they are wanting... I could literally buy 2 Incra fences and have some $$ leftover.

Harvey Big Eye rip fence


I like their design of the locking mechanism, as well as their micro adjust, but again... at that price... hard pill to swallow.

What dust collection did you upgrade to?
I agree with @Oka .. if you clean the concrete, I'd highly recommend throwing some sort of sealer down... I wish I had.

Anyways, let us see some shop pics when you have time. Would love to see them!


New User
I was just reading about the Harvey Big Eye, and it looks great, but I agree that the price is WAY too high for a hobby woodworker like me. That fence costs more than I originally paid for my Jet table saw!

Michael Mathews

Corporate Member
Just curious...what don't you like about the Sawstop fence? I've used mine now for over 10 years with no issues and I like it! Sure, maybe the Incra or Harvey are better, but the Sawstop fence works fine.


I had an Incra fence on my old Jet saw for 24 years and I loved it. I just got accustomed to it so I put a new one on the SawStop. Not that I didn’t like th SS. I JUST knew I liked the Incra.


The SS has very good DC. There is a dust “chute”right under the blade that leads directly to a port on back. I connected my main system directly to it and I never have to clean out a bin underneath.
Also, the blade guard, and I do use it, has an inch and a half port which I connected overhead to a collector behind a wall. I have a single long ranger setup that turns both systems on. Works very well when I remember to turn it on.


More on the fence, SS has three options for cabinet saws…30” 36” or 52” rip capacity. My old Incra had 92” rails for a 54” capacity. I decided I didn’t need all that. The SS rails for 30“ came standard. The 36” were app. $ 350 and were upgraded.
I could get the stock fence, buy the shorter Incra for $400, getting 32” rip capacity.
Now I’m confused. Basically I spent just a little more, for a little less capacity, but I got what I wanted.

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