Taylor Tool Works Sharpening System


Senior User
After watching several videos on his system, it seems almost too good to be true. I know the Work Sharp uses same principal of sharpening, but for about fifty bucks, the Tay Tools system is a lot cheaper. I've assembled all the parts to make my own (I'm CHEAP!) Bought the arbors at Farm Show, ordered the 3-M paper, and have both acrylic and polycarbonate (Lexan) on hand, and will use disk of 1/2" MDF instead of leather stropping wheel. Now need some shop time to assemble system. Anybody here got an experience with this system?


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ShopNotes No. 107 (September 2009) has plans for this disk sharpening system.



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I don't have any experience with the Taylor Tools (Taytools) system but I do own the Work Sharp 3000. I was just on their website and wow!, what a change. Way back when (prior to 2014) when I bought mine, they had a couple of accessories that are no longer listed which made the system very usable and without which, I would not spend the $250.00 for one today. They had a "wide blade" sharpening system which was essentially a flat table that could be mounted over the motor housing to be used with a wide blade holder. Another accessory was a "Tool Bar" which attached to the side/back of the unit and allowed use of Tormek® accessories for sharpening my turning tools.
Oh well. My workshop days are numbered and I am using them less and less. The next generation of wood workers will find their own solutions.
Other Bruce, be sure to post pictures of your finished product and a review if possible.


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Here's a different take on hooking up a sharpening system to the drill press, also from ShopNotes. Honing on the top disk and sharpening using the perimeter.



Corporate Member
I bought a WorkSharp 10 years ago and it still works great but noticed lots of new accessories and I agree with Bruce the cost is just a bit high today for the system. I watched the video by Izzy and the sharping system looks interesting, might make for a fun weekend build.

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