Road trip to the Woodworkers Source

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New User
I had a blast today. I headed out of Clayton at 10 this morning bound for G-boro to pick-up a donated vanity for RFA. The company that provided it had it rejected by the purchaser because 1 of the 6 MDF blocks on the crating that allow it to be picked up by a fork-lift had broken off. It's in perfect condition, but spoilage as far as they are concerned.
Then I headed south to Mooresville to meet with Rick DiNardo at the Woodworking Source to pick-up the lathe that I won.
Everyone has told me what a great guy Rick is, and I didn't doubt it. But meeting him was a true pleasure. Word must had gotten out that I was going to be there as soon after I arrived Phillip Christy and Jeremy Williams showed up, and later Bill Watson dropped by. Rick, Phillip and Bill, it was great to meet you, and Jeremy it is always good to see you again. Actually they were just buying some wood :eusa_doh:

Rick was in the middle of a glue-up when I arrived so I took a self-guided tour of his shop. WOW, major tools :eek:
Rick has a nice mix of the ultra-modern -


Some of the normal stuff, just on a larger scale -



And some really sweet Old Iron, the likes of that I haven't seen since my last visit to Scott Smith's Farm -



And lumber...Rick has no shortage of that -


Jeremy trying to figure out how much Maple stock to buy for his new bench -


Hey Rick, how much for this stack -


Y'all gonna let me down from here :eusa_pray:eusa_pray


How Rick sorts his lumber -


THANK-YOU very much Rick and your dog for choosing me as the winner of the lathe


I arrived home about 7:00 and unloaded my truck. For the ney-sayers, it did happen. The new lathe (with the bow that Rick put on it, that stayed on for the 3 hr. 80 mph journey back to Clayton :icon_thum) and the 76 BF of wide, clear, sap-free Walnut that also followed me home -


It was a good day, no rain, I got to meet some great folks, got a new lathe and some more wood to add to my horde, and made it home without a tire blow-out.
I'm too tired to set up the lathe tonight, so stay tuned for the real pictures of it. And Rick I am sending you the first good bowl I turn on it as a thank-you.



Senior User
Congrats again Dave on the lathe ... what a score. The Woodworking Source (and Rick) rock!

It was good seeing you and glad to see you made it home safe.
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Tar Heel

New User
It really looks like you had a great day Dave. Rick has a very impressive operation...a woodworkers dream shop, plus all that wood. Congrats again on winning the lathe. By the title of you post, I thought you made a road trip to Graham (WWkrs Supply).


New User
Good to meet you Dave. Glad you had such a good day and definitely made a nice haul! Looking forward to seeing that lumber in a project soon. And tou made it home without a ticket1@#$%^&*:kamahlitu


New User
It might cut down on confusion if your title read "Woodworkers Source" rather than "Woodworkers Supply".


New User
That is awesome Dave! I know you'll put that lathe to good use. I'm not available until tomorrow evening, but if I can be of assistance then let me know.


Senior User
It might cut down on confusion if your title read "Woodworkers Source" rather than "Woodworkers Supply".

Well, I'm pretty sure he did both. He stopped along the way at the Woodworkers Supply in Graham, and then to The Woodworking Source in Mooresville.

We just know he had a better time in Mooresville so he forgot about the earlier stop!:gar-La;


New User
It really looks like you had a great day Dave. Rick has a very impressive operation...a woodworkers dream shop, plus all that wood. Congrats again on winning the lathe. By the title of you post, I thought you made a road trip to Graham (WWkrs Supply).

Oh crap, thanks for pointing that out. I did stop by Woodworkers Supply in Graham, but found nothing that I couldn't live without.



New User
Congratulations on what sounds like a great score and a great trip, Dave!:eusa_danc
You deserve major ROCKAGE for the post, the wood, the lathe, the friendship, the're starting to get the hang of this aren't you?:icon_thum

Overall I would say you had a good day:eusa_clap.


Corporate Member
Nice score. :icon_thum
Sounds like you had a great day.
Need a picture of the new lathe when you get it set up


New User
Now that is a road trip to remember... and you drove right by here and didn't pick me up? :rotflm: I can't wait to see that new lathe in action Dave. You ROCK!!! :eusa_danc:eusa_danc:eusa_danc:eusa_danc


Administrator , Forum Moderator
Way to go Dave. Sorry I could not make it. I would have loved to have been there. The day was great for me, spent all day with the LOML for valentine's day.



New User
Dave O, it was truly a pleasure meeting you and getting to know you today. It's funny to put a real person with the cyber-person. You think that you know a person and then you find they're even nicer and more thoughtful than you thought.
Dave will be posting soon about a walnut project I think. He was very gracious and bought a stack of walnut lumber when he picked up his lathe and gouge today.
Jeremy stopped in too, and has a BIG BENCH in the works.
Dr. Watson had a bad day with the NCHP today, but made a good haul at The Woodworking Source.
Phillip C got some wide ash resawn boards too. We don't think he got a ticket on the way.
All in all it was an excellent day and I was reminded why I started this thing.
Thanks to all of the members of NCWW for your support, and I will continue to support you too.


New User
Phillip C got some wide ash resawn boards too. We don't think he got a ticket on the way.

I didn't get one on the way or on the way back - knock on wood:BangHead: Bill sorry that you had a run in with the HP - Dave it was good to meet you also and help you load that lathe up - congratulations - Rick and Jeremy it was good to see you both again:icon_thum


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Thanks for the pics Dave. Looked like a good road trip!


New User
Looked like today was a road trip day for a bunch of us. Sounds like you ahd a great day, Dave. This lathe stuff looks more and more interesting all the time.

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