REVISED Minutes from the 10/7/09 BOD call

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Scott Smith

Based upon Rob's feedback (Thanks Rob!), I have revised the minutes from last night's BOD call. Due to their length, they will be separated into two posts.



A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corporation was held on October 7, 2009 via conference call to Bridge 866-222-8883 pin 206706. The meeting started at 8 pm and ended at 9:30 pm.

The following BOD members were present: Stuart Nelson, Scott Miller, Rob Payne, Doug Robinson, Travis Porter, Tracy Pardue, and Scott Smith

The following chronicles the items discussed during the meeting:

2.“Responsible parties for North Carolina Woodworker assets (such as PA system, posters, etc)
3.Expense reimbursement
4.Klingspor show
5.North Carolina Woodworker Wood burning stamp
6.Non-profit status
7.Fundraising drives
8.Froglips / Jim’s contributions
9.Potential by-laws change to stagger BOD member elections.
10.Woodcraft “Cash for Clunker” table saw turn in issue.
11.Wood magazine upcoming Raleigh visit.
12.PA System
14.Goodwill lathe

1 – Budget. We’ve created an itinerary of what we would like to accomplish this year in previous years. Since this is our first year and also because we no longer have Steve Cole’s contribution, we need a better understanding of cash flow and how to manage it, so that we can ensure that adequate cash reserves are available at all times.

Donation wise, this is our big month.

Re the Klingspor show, the BOD agreed that there was not a need to have catered food provided, as had been done in the past ($600.00 expense). We agreed that minimal beverages would be acquired ($40.00 or fewer targets).

No members were aware of any other major expenses upcoming in Q4, other than the fall raffle. There will be some transaction costs associated with people paying for their raffle tickets with Paypal.

The board voted on the item that was raised in the last BOD meeting, namely that the BOD members would be exempt from participating in any raffles. Tracy made the motion, it was seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

2 – We discussed the fact that any asset owned by North Carolina Woodworker, such as PA Systems, posters, etc, would have a responsible party associated with the item for tracking reasons.

3 – Expense Reimbursement. The BOD agreed that the maximum total reimbursement at an official sanctioned event would be $100.00 per day; based upon actual out of pocket expenses (not a per-diem). We agreed that there should be a 2 person cap on the number of reimbursable personnel at an event, which could be exceeded by agreement of the BOD prior to the event. We agreed that any official representative of North Carolina Woodworker at an official event, who is a corporate member, whether they be a BOD member or not, would be eligible for reimbursement. We agreed that a member could choose to treat part or all of their expenses as a donation to North Carolina Woodworker, and that North Carolina Woodworker would acknowledge that donation. Tracy made the motion on the above items; it was seconded and passed unanimously.
4 – We discussed the upcoming Klingspor show and the status of the North Carolina Woodworker promotional posters. We also discussed the upcoming Greensboro symposium (Oct 23 – 25), and that North Carolina Woodworker would receive two free passes.

5 – We discussed obtaining some type of North Carolina Woodworker stamp, engraving system, etc, and decided that more research should be done before making any type of commitment. Scott will research ideas and options, and discuss it at the next BOD meeting.

6 – Doug, Scott and Travis agreed to meet in person sometime soon to discuss next steps on the non-profit status.

7 – Fundraising. We discussed the frequency of donation drives, and the BOD felt that 4 drives per year were too frequent. We discussed having two fundraising drives per year, and two raffles per year. Proposed fundraising drive months would be February and August, with raffles held in May concurrent with the picnic and October concurrent with the Klingspor event.

8 – Doug brought up the fact that Jim Campbell is making significant contributions with respect to site administration, etc. Several BOD members mentioned that they had contacted Jim on their own time to recognize and thank him for his contributions. Some discussion was made about an “unsung hero” acknowledgement.

9 – Stuart brought up the fact that we had previously discussed staggering the BOD member elections, but that we had not moved forward on it. Doug agreed to draft a by-law change and bring it to the next BOD meeting for discussion.

10 – Woodcraft is running a table saw “Cash for Clunker” table saw promotion, and has indicated that they would consider donating the used saws to North Carolina Woodworker. Discussion took place regarding having a “tool event” to take apart and maintain the donated table saws. These items could then either be raffled or donated to a needy member.

continued on next post...


New User
Scott Smith
continued from previous post....

11 – Marlen Kemmet, the editor in Chief from Wood Magazine, will be coming to Raleigh in early November. He contacted Doug for recommendations re shops to visit, and Doug recommended Don Patterson (Touchwood) as well as Alex Lesniak. Marlin indicated that they Wood magazine would definitely do an article on Alex’s Pen’s for College business.

12: PA system. Rob found a recommended PA system for $175.00. This will help us at events such as the Klingspor event, the annual picnic, and any other events where we have a table set up. Scott M made a motion to order, the motion was seconded, and passed unanimously. Future acquisition of a television and video camera for demonstrations was discussed, but no decisions made.

13: Scott M provided an update. Woodwrangler (Jeremy) is the calendar editor and he is close to completion; projected date is NLT next week. The proposed calendar cost will be $16.00 each (cost to our members), plus shipping from Scott M to the member. The best cost to us is a “bulk order”, all sent to one person. Scott M will determine what the mailing costs will be, and factor that into the sales price of the calendar. Scott M and Travis will get together offline to complete the purchase.

14: Scott M will make arrangements to pick up the Goodwill lathe parts from Travis, and to check to see who the next member on the list is to receive it (rcflyer23).

There being nor further business to come before the meeting, the meeting adjourned at approximately 9:30 pm.

Submitted by:

Scott Smith
North Carolina Woodworker


New User
Scott Smith
Unless directed otherwise, I have been posting them on the BOD thread, and printing them out for the corporate book.


I reviewed the Bylaws and did not find any requirement that Minutes of BoD meetings be provided to the Corporate Members, but they could request them in writing and then we should provide them. See Section 4.

Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
Sorry I somehow missed this thread. Rob is correct. The minutes are not posted to the membership, but are available for their review if requested.
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