Private Message

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Roy G

Senior User
I am wondering if something has changed with the PM. I have tried to send some and don't know if they went through or not and I haven't received any for several months.

Roy G


Corporate Member
There is a box that opens below the PM that you are sending that allowed you to keep a copy in your sent folder and also can send you a read receipt. I will also send you a PM just to check.


I deal with quite a few PMs every week as an admin and have encountered no issues with respect to PMs in a good many years.

The main thing that would actually disable PMs for you is if you have allowed our PM mailbox to fill completely, in which h case no further PMs can be received (there is a usage bar graph on the PM page to indicate your current usage) -- if full simply delete old PMs to free up space and they will resume working automatically.

Sent PMs are not automatically saved to your Sent PMs folder unless you have either checked the Save Sent message checkbox for each PM message (scroll below the message text box for extra options) or have enabled automatic saving of all PMs through an option in the Settings control panel (most likely under General Settings screen) -- only if the Save Sent checkbox is ticked do sent PMs get saved to your Sent folder (and they count towards your maximum total saved PMs quota limits). You can also elect to enable a receipt upon the other party reading your message, but this too is something you must manually enable on a per message basis if you need a read receipt. Otherwise the only notification you will receive will be whatever the other party elects to write you back, if they do so at all (such is an individual choice after all).

Most communications on the forum are conducted through the forums directly, so most members do not receive a lot of regular PMs unless they are on our staff or Board where there is a good bit of internal messaging along with members making private requests. So it is not uncommon for most members to go long periods without receiving PMs unless you are doing some activity that would tend to encourage people to contact you privately through PMs rather than responding publicly within forum threads.


After selecting a PM,how do you delete it?

If you scroll down below the list of PMs you will see a pull-down menu button titled "Selected Messages (#)" (where "#" is the number of selected messages), if you click this button a list of possible actions is presented, of which deletion is one of those possible options.

It is not really the user interface I would have designed, but vBulletin is essentially copying their admin/moderator pull-down action menus format with that button.

Roy G

Senior User
Thanks for the responses. I changed the setting so now I see the sent messages and have received and sent several PMs. So things are good.

Roy G
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