It's almost time (Raffle Smack Talk Thread)


Corporate Member
That's right!!! It's only 7 days until I start buying the winning raffle tickets. Going for the THREEPEAT grand prize this year, since I always win the grand prize in even numbered years. Feel free to buy the second place winning ticket since I've got the grand prize ticket wrapped up.


Corporate Member
Can you let me win the grand prize this year? I need to get my ratio of "tickets bought value" versus "prizes won value" over $1. That's how we determine winning around here, right? LOL!!! :cool:


Corporate Member
Can you let me win the grand prize this year? I need to get my ratio of "tickets bought value" versus "prizes won value" over $1. That's how we determine winning around here, right? LOL!!! :cool:
nope, you one too much last year, this is MY YEAR!!


Corporate Member
Daniel your momma wears army boots so there is no way you’re going to win my Festool Combo prize. That’s how you smack talk!!


Board of Directors, Events Director
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I am excited about the Festool sander/dust extractor combo prize as well but I also happen to know about some artisan prizes that are going to KNOCK YOUR SOCKS off.


Corporate Member
Daniel your momma wears army boots so there is no way you’re going to win my Festool Combo prize. That’s how you smack talk!!

Hey man, that's taking it too far, this is a friendly online forum, so in the spirit of friendliness, I'll let you help me unload the grand prize from trailer into my shop.


Board of Directors, Events Director
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I just bought my second batch of raffle tickets. You all need to buy some tickets because I will feel bad (a little) if I win EVERYTHING. We are well over $16,000 in total prize value and that does NOT include 20 artisan prizes.

Play close attention because on April 18th there will be an announcement about a new way to win some prizes this year.


Corporate Member
I just bought my second batch of raffle tickets. You all need to buy some tickets because I will feel bad (a little) if I win EVERYTHING. We are well over $16,000 in total prize value and that does NOT include 20 artisan prizes.

Play close attention because on April 18th there will be an announcement about a new way to win some prizes this year.
Could you imagine the screams of "The board has rigged the raffle!!!!" if you won that many prizes? Ha ha ha.

I hear there are moans when tri4sale and I keep getting our names called out and we usually win less than 10% of the prizes. But moans aside, we are shooting for 20% of the prizes this year. And the only way you can stop us is to BUY MORE TICKETS!!!!


Board of Directors, Events Director
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I do have to admit in a head-to-head contest for most raffle prizes won, I have to give you (tri4sale) the nod and I begrudgingly concede that it is because you buy more ticket than me. This year I am stepping up my game and buying more tickets than ever. I am also kind of competing against myself because I buying some ticket for other NCWW members to say thank they for all that you do for the organization.
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Board of Directors, Events Director
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It's Monday. That means it was time to buy my next batch of tickets. Good luck to you all.


Board of Directors, Development Director
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It's Monday. That means it was time to buy my next batch of tickets. Good luck to you all.
Matt, since it is TWOSday does that mean we are supposed to buy "Tue" batches of tickets?


Board of Directors, Events Director
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Nice try but I'm gonna stick with my "Monday Twenty" since it worked so well last year.

You guys are such rookies! In my building, In my shop! Simple math! Even though I am winning several of the biggies, I still want you to buy tickets so that this all is worth the butt kicking I am going to hand to all of you!

Mic dropped!

Coleman "Grand Winner of Raffle" Fourshee


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All I know is that I have a garage full of boxes that gotta go somewhere. Well some of them. I am planning that some of those boxes will stay right where they are.


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Board of Directors, President
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All I know is that I have a garage full of boxes that gotta go somewhere. Well some of them. I am planning that some of those boxes will stay right where they are.
Nice try Robert. Another good reason for you guys to get busy buying tickets. We need to clean out Robert’s garage.

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