I have the duct work from my uncles old shop. I just needed the 4 inch for my shop. If anybody can use these you can have them free or if you feel guilty you can make a donation to my wood fund. I'm good either way. You can have all or pieces. If nobody needs it, it will just go to scrap which builds my wood fund.
There are 6 inch to 4 inch. 8 inch to 6 inch. 4 ft to maybe 7 ft long. They are currently in my sister's barn in Kings Mt. I'm sure that's a drive for some of you but it is where it is. I'm not sure if these are worth the gas for a drive but it needs to get gone. The photos overlap some. I believe there are 8 or 9 sections.
See photos.
There are 6 inch to 4 inch. 8 inch to 6 inch. 4 ft to maybe 7 ft long. They are currently in my sister's barn in Kings Mt. I'm sure that's a drive for some of you but it is where it is. I'm not sure if these are worth the gas for a drive but it needs to get gone. The photos overlap some. I believe there are 8 or 9 sections.
See photos.