Call notes from March 8th BOD call

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New User
Scott Smith
Team - below are my notes from the call. Please review and advise me of any changes. Thanks.


A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corporation was held via conference call on March 8, 2010. The meeting started at 7:30 pm and ended at 8:20 pm. Bridge 866-222-8883, # 206706

The following BOD members were present on the call: Stuart Nelson, Scott Miller, Rob Payne, Doug Robinson, Travis Porter, Tracy Pardue, and Scott Smith.

The following chronicles the items discussed during the meeting:

1. The 2010 membership picnic
2. Raffle update
3. David Fenton (DavidF) farewell gift update
4. Donated Shopsmith update
5. Fundraising update
6. Steve Coles
7. BOD election update
8. Web hosting

1: Discussion: Location of the picnic – Chapel Hill Park versus Apex Park.

Scott M has visited both sites. Benefits of Apex are that both shelters are close to one another, and at Chapel Hill they are further apart. Drawback is that the playground in Apex is farther away than the one in Chapel Hill.

All agreed that we will use the Saturday that the Chapel Hill site is reserved for, and will consider Apex if it is available. We will announce the date to the membership, along with the fact that it will be in the Triangle Area, and Scott M will work with Jim Campbell re establishing a poll of the membership to ascertain how many people plan on attending.

Re extra tables and chairs, we will need to provide some additional tables and chairs.
We discussed cooking ourselves versus having it catered. Scott M will obtain prices for catering and we can make the decision afterward. Rob and Scott S prefer to have us cook the meat and put the extra $ into door prizes.

Scott M suggested purchasing some North Carolina Woodworker branded merchandise for door prizes, and all concurred We also discussed having a generator available, one idea is to pull power from Tom Ferrone’s Freud truck if it’s available.

Discussion took place re what to have the members provide versus having Bruce cook. We suggested having members provide non-perishables (drinks, utensils, plates, etc), deserts, breads, etc; and having Bruce do all of the cooking for the main course.

2: Raffle update: We have two great prizes, a Kapex from Klingspor and a cyclone dust collection from Clearvue (around 1,300 each). Kreg provided a face frame beading system ($500.00 value). Lee Valley Tools provided several tools (planes), and two tools from EZ Wood Tools (carbide tipped lathe tools), and a low angle block plane from Lie Nielson. We have $4,029.00 in prizes already lined up, with more vendors still having the potential to commit.

Rob is planning on kicking off the raffle on April 15th, which provides us with one additional week compared with past years. Rob will coordinate more closely with the staff for a smoother launch on the raffle (as compared with last year).

3: David F. update: Doug mentioned that he has picked up the gift item for David Fenton. Donations should be sent to Travis.

4: Tracy brought up that he still has the donated Shopsmith equipment at his house, and now that the weather has improved he can pull it out and take photos of it for selling purposes.

5: Donation drive: we’re at $1,775 towards our goal of $2,000.00. The past week has seen a lot of donations, including $215.00 in the last three days.

6: There was an open action item from the last call where Steve Coles had wanted to make an offer to the board, but apparently has had second thoughts.

7: Most of the current BOD members indicated that they would run again for the BOD. Scott S indicated that he probably would not due to his need to focus on his farm and business launch. Doug stated that Steve Coles indicated that he may run for the BOD.

8: TWA enquired about having us provide web hosting to them. Tracy indicated that there is a lot of work involved with web hosting, and that he has had to provide a lot of time in supporting Hickory Surgical (Monty’s business that Steve Coles was hosting in the past on the North Carolina Woodworker servers). The BOD felt that our charter was not to be in the web hosting business, and that we should steer away from this type of work.
Discussion took place re the need to educate our general members about the qualifications required for voting for BOD members. Rob will prepare an announcement for the general members.

Re voting, Doug suggested starting the election on May 1st, and having nominations received up until April 25. Need to establish a candidate introduction thread to take place between April 25 and May 1, and then voting to start after that.

There being nor further business to come before the meeting, the call ended at approximately 8:20 pm.

Submitted by:

Scott Smith
North Carolina Woodworker
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