need plans for Amish bent rocker

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New User
I just got home from the Lancaster, Pa. area where I saw a rocker I would love to try and build. It was in a small Amish shop that I went in. It is called a bent rocker, I presume because of the steam bending on parts of the frame. Has anyone ever tried this type of chair or know of where I could find plans. I have googled, but can only find where to buy the rockers.


Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason

While I have no idea where to find the plans, I'll give you a bump back up to the top in hopes that someone else does. Looks like a wonderful project. :thumbs_up:thumbs_up


Corporate Member
There is a very good book that goes into the details of making Shaker chairs. I've made one straight back rocker and plan to make a bent back rocker next. The book is: Chairmaking Simplified by Kerry Pierce, a Popular Woodworking publication. The titlle is sort of misleading as it uses some skills that will require more than just starting out in woodworking, as I found out in my first attempts. I especially like the post drilling jigs and techmique,

Additionally, I beleve that FWW had an article in the past couple of years detailing how to make a bent back Shaker rocker. I forget the author.

Go for it and have fun. Good luck

Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason

Also, maybe shoot a pm to Mike "Shamrock." He's been doing some of the Maloof style rockers and other cool chairs and might have some advice. :icon_thum
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