Handsaw Sharpening with Richard Moore


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Handsaw Sharpening
Instructor: Richard Moore
Date: Saturday, May 25
Time: 9am-6pm
Class Fee: $112
Materials: No Fee
Skill: All, Age: 18+

Sharpening a handsaw is a necessary skill for anyone interested in hand tool woodworking. Why send it off to someone and have to wait when you can just do it yourself? The tools for doing this are fairly inexpensive and can save you time and money in the long run, simply by adding a new skill to your bag of tricks.

You will be introduced to the tools and the skills needed to sharpen and maintain your western handsaws. We will walk through the process of shaping and sharpening the teeth of a full sized rip tooth and crosscut tooth handsaws. We will discover the differences between these saws how to tune them to operate at an optimum level.

If time permits and you have one then you will have the opportunity to sharpen your own hand saw or backsaw.
We also will discuss available resources for the tools old and new for adding this skill to your arsenal woodworking skills.
This is a one day workshop and will be held I conjunction with a handsaw use workshop the next day.
Richard will also have some handsaws available for sale at a competitive price.

Register by calling 276.236.3500 or online here: https://chestnutcreekarts.org/class-schedule/handsaw-sharpening-with-richard-moore/
Class held at
Chestnut Creek School of the Arts
107 W Oldtown Street
Galax, VA 24333


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It would be awesome to fill this class. If you use western handsaws and don't sharpen them yourself then you're missing out. If you have a saw that you are useing but are unhappy with its performance, then perhaps it just needs sharpening or just a touch up. Why have to send it off and wait for its return when you could just add a new skill to your bag and do it yourself. Saving you time and money in the long run. I'd look forward to seeing you come out and visit.

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