
  1. D

    Anyone interested in figured cherry?

    I'm looking into buying some figured cherry from this ebay seller and wanted to find out if anyone has interest in taking some of the wood off my hands. The price, with shipping, would be about 8.50 per board foot. It looks like beautiful wood...
  2. Trent Mason

    Figured it out

    My shop hiatus has continued for 2 months now. However, after going over to ScottM's place this morning and being around/lifting/loading/talking about tools and wood, I was really motivated to come home and finally get down in the shop and make something. :wink_smil I started by moving my...
  3. danmart77

    Some figured wood makes all the difference

    View image in gallery If you find the right sawyer, the little extra you pay for the special wood can make all the difference in the final outcome. When you figure a project with 200 hours to complete and the cost of boards even at 10/bf it just isn't that much in the end. If it sits in...
  4. D

    Figured Wood Wanted

    If anyone knows any local (within 1,000 miles) sources for buying figured hardwoods at reasonable prices, then please email me or call 704-962-2823 cell. I live in Charlotte, NC. Thanks, David EB
  5. MarkE

    Figured out my next project

    Took one look out in the back yard and figured out what my next woodworking project is going to be. AN ARK! Anyone got any plans? Should be about 300 cubits by 50 cubits by 30 cubits.
  6. PeteM

    Looking for 8/4 figured maple

    A friend of mine wants a maple board; minimum size = 2" thick, 9" wide, 24" long for a guitar body. He wants some good figure (not ambrosia) but it doesn't have to be "totally awesome" :wink_smil (It does have to be dry). If you have some let me know and I'll pass it along to him. pete
  7. Vetteman9956

    Figured Cherry

    I need about 6-8 BF of 4/4 figured Cherry for drawer fronts on a project I am starting. Anybody have any they would be willing to sell or know where I can get some. Many Thanks in advance Brad
  8. PChristy

    Figured Maple ?

    I got this figured Maple from Chris at the picnic and thought that I would rough it out tonight and I came up with this I do not know if you can see it on the pics but at a couple of places in and outside of the bowl has some - I guess you call it "lifting" :icon_scra other places are...
  9. Y

    Planing figured woods?? especially Koa wood

    Hi Folks, I'm having tear out issues with the Koa wood I've been working with. I've sharpened blades on the jointer and the planer. I've tried using a 50/50 spray mixture of fabric softener and water on the wood prior to planing. No matter what I've tried I still get tear out on this highly...
  10. LeeNC

    Figured Maple For Memory Box

    My MIL passed away last week and I am going to make a memory box for my wife. I have some nice sapele I picked up from The Woodworking source. (Rick is a great guy and if you have not already checked his store out, well worth the trip.) For the lid, I need to find some interesting maple (tiger...
  11. mkepke

    Figured wood scraps/offcuts ?

    Does anyone have some figured scrap/offcuts they'd be willing to give/sell ? I need each piece to be a minimum of 4/4 (or 3/4" if S2S) x 4"w x 14"l. A single piece of a given species is sufficient. I'd really like to get a variety of woods with 'small' figure patterns - basically if the...
  12. owen299

    Oak Burl / Figured Maple

  13. Bas

    Please block this user ASAP! - haven't figured out the controls yet

    I got a message from "huruna" this morning stating he wants to be my friend. Newly registered users, looks like a spammer. He or she is going down the member list and sending messages....
  14. Joe Scharle

    Need 8-10' of figured maple

    in the Cary, Holly Springs area?
  15. Shamrock

    Any sawers out there got some figured red oak?

    Hey all- Just wondering if any of the sawers out there have any figured red oak (preferebly already dried) in there stash they'd be willing to part with. I'm looking for something along the lines of curly red oak. For example see this link :
  16. rhett

    NO figured wood sale.

    Trying to get out the word that I will not be able to make Feb 11th wood run due to unforseen circumstances. Will try again in the future. Sorry to anyone planning on buying.
  17. rhett

    figured wood sale

    I have contacted Jeff and will be bringing some figured hardwood to his Feb 11th sale. I have on hand some 3A curly oak sanded and straight line ripped. Flame maple up to 4A at 11" by 10' and some very interesting cherry almost quilted figure but from sappy sections of log. This is all dried...
  18. woodguy1975

    Figured Cherry Bedside Table (Real Photo Shoot)

    Well, I just got my strobes for my garage photo studio and had to fire them up. I bougth a set of Alien Bee's strobs, back drop, backdrop holder, and some modifiers. It was time to step up my photos a notch. :) I processed a few images and threw them up in my gallery, but I'll go ahead and...
  19. M

    best way to oil figured maple ???

    Hello All, I just snagged a nice 12 " plank of tiger maple from Cap City Lumber and will be useing some of it for a small table top. I would like to keep it pretty light and really show it off with a wipe on oil. Any suggestions about useing dye then oil ? Thanks in advance, you guys have been...
  20. DaveO

    Looking for some figured stock

    I want to make the LOML a jewelry box for her birthday, actually I was told I could make that or buy her something much more expensive. I would like to use some curly Maple or Cherry. I want some really good figure because the box will be small so I need maximum impact. Went by the local Raleigh...

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